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Winter is coming here. Its strange to watch the snow line descending and receding day by day on a steady meander down the mountains. The trees gripped with frost and the ground powdered white. Observing one world consume another. The cold fronts rip through a worn out identity. Shedding a decade of tropical skin to find the fire within. In tandem, one self consumes the other. Day by day the lake gets steadily colder. The glacier water filters in through the streams.

The feeling of the cold as it draws in, kisses the skin, icy water reaching the waist line, head under and up again, watching the breath crystallise above that water's surface. Muscles tingle and contract. Must move arms, and forward into the abyss the body lurches, outward, over the precipice of dark water. Breath finds rhythm and strokes. Body numb and spirit rich. Under eyes open, retinas frozen, 4, 5, 6 stroke, jettison the air in cheeks. Bust through the surface a new. Internal thermostat adjusts. life ignites within.

On exiting the lake, the body craves nothing. I set it to movements, pushing, pulling, jumping sprinting. Utilise the opening.

Return to cabin, Wood in the stove, flames engulf dead wood, energy shifts form, Alchemy and heat.

Then the work begins.

This depicts a typical morning of life in the mountains. the days go by fast yet the weeks slow. Working together, eating, meditating, discussing, dancing, forward facing, presence pacing, carefully the work is done, and slowly what's emerging, from internal purging and hibernation, shall be seen on the other side, of the winter tide.

I like it here. There's a connection to the kind of I being forged and carved and fed and starved. Think less, beard more. There's not much knowing of who it's becoming, but it feels. It's real, and that appeals, to some sense inside.

Before we get too carried away on flinging ourselves head first into our own winter, cocooning and hibernation, there's a final roll of the dice for this season, back in the motherland, a 3 day immersion in Leicester with Katie Holland starting friday for those wishing to brave the depths of their own madness. Thanks to all in attendance. Am spectacularly grateful to be meeting you and sharing this journey of music movement and breathwork medicine.

Love and cheers to all ❤️

I'm excited about this, a lot of work has been going into the exercises, the music, the flow and structure of this event. Following the successes of the Portugal and Greece festivals this summer, this is a refined and deeper version of the stuff that really works to cut through the mental noise and get into the body for some deep emotional and psychological processing. Am also excited to be working with Katie who played a leading role in bringing Inner dance to the UK. This is an inner dance immersion weekend to be held on the 10th 11th and 12th of November near Leicester.

There are 10 spaces available this time. We wanted to keep this group an intimate one and go into some depth. They're at an Earlybird cash money cost of £195 and a later bird cost of £235.

- This includes Lunch on Saturday and Sunday.

- Plus access to the tailored breathwork mix tracks used in the sessions.

You can read the spiel about it here:

"This is a 3 day Immersion designed to cut a line of inquiry through layers of mental noise and get to the core of the self using the modalities of inner dance, breathwork and natural movement.

As a guide - this weekend is be deliberately quite emotionally intense, and fairly physical. It will take you far outside your considered self, which can in turn create dramatic shifts and realignments in your perceptions as splintered parts of the psyche become re-integrated.

The process is designed to leave you a more whole human being, which often means going to places within that are challenging. So it ought to be understood that it’s not for everyone, and those that do attend be aware enough that they’re in full control of their own process at all times, and responsible for how deep they wish to go. But we can assure you you will not leave the same person that walked in.

The weekend will involve 5 inner dance sessions in total. 3 of them utilising carefully designed breathwork and musical scores to cut through the denser layers. With natural movement based physical tasks to trigger and stimulate the edges of the comfort zone, then mat time and sharing exercises to process and integrate what's come up.

Check the events page here

And meetup here

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Would you like more details? 

Get in touch by email or via social media.

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