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A look into those periods where it just feels like everything's too much and you don't know why you're doing what you're doing anymore. Feeling sorry for yourself, shame, not enough-ness, all the classics.

We'll be holding an inner dance breathwork session in Wivenhoe this weekend (21st Jan 2017) from 4pm to 6pm; idb is a journey to map the psyche through the body, facilitated by sound, touch and breathwork. The session combines multiple modalities, incorporating elements of Inner Dance, TRE (Trauma release exercises) WHM (Wim Hof Method) and deep breathing exercises, yoga and meditation. All done to a soundtrack that journey's through brainwave states from Beta (waking state) through to Delta (sleep state) to induce the REM period usually associated with Lucid dreaming and deep theta healing.

To find out more about the modality please see here

Please bring the following:

Yoga mat

Any blankets, towels or pillows you might need to be comfortable

Pen and notebook (sometimes insights occur after the session and you may want to record them).

Session price is £10

The Venue is at Open Space

The session will run from 4pm until 6pm

Please arrive a little early so we can start on time

Breathe well and be happy!

A look at the work of Marshall Rosenberg - The 3 stages of emotional liberation 1. Emotional slavery 2. Obnoxiousness 3. Emotional liberation We tap for the first stage, feeling enmeshed and responsible for other peoples emotions and making them responsible for ours. Then moving on to emotional liberation where we're response-able TO other peoples emotions and needs but not FOR them.

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Would you like more details? 

Get in touch by email or via social media.

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