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Beautiful Landscape


Tom Woodfin Presents

FREE 4 Part Video Series

To Help Move Stuck Nervous System Energy

Around Anger, Anxiety & Depression Naturally,

Without Medication

In this free 4 Part Video and audio Series, created for people who struggle with overwhelming emotions and balancing stress, you’ll learn:

How to down regulate and maintain your cool without needing to suppress your anger when it becomes active.


How to settle and soothe anxiety of the agitated mind, while building resilience and staying centered in your power.


How to stay connected to yourself in emotional slumps, and slowly start to build your energy again.


How to utilize the breath and remain in your center when you’re tempted to drop into people pleasing patterns, commonly known as the “fawn” response.

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Hi, I’m Tom Woodfin, Founder of the perception architecture project.

I have a background in martial arts, and since 2010, I’ve been working in the field of personal development, experimenting with all kinds of different modalities and methodologies, from meditation to movement, breathwork to energy psychology, hot and cold exposure to straight up talk therapy. All in a bid to get to the root of what keeps people stuck in their emotions and mental loops, unable to feel like they have any control or agency in their lives, and how to get things moving again.

From this journey I’ll share with you some of the fundamentals that have really worked for me. My bread and butter, the things I keep coming back to that have retained their utility and withstood the test of time, so I know they’re solid.

Beautiful Landscape

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